Monday, April 9, 2012

Chins--Doing More Harm Than Good

I believe chins/pullups should be a staple of everyone's training program. But too much chinning will not be good for many folks shoulders in the long run so you have to use them judiciously and wisely in your programming.
Along those lines supinated (palms facing) or pronated (palms facing away) positions aren't shoulder friendly for many folks either. That internal or external rotation just puts too much stress on people's shoulder joints, at least in many cases.
Now if your shoulders can tolerate it go for it. But just because they tolerate it at age 20 doesn't mean they will at age 40 and the point is to do this for a lifetime not flame out in your early 30's. Just a word of advice! :)
So that is why tools like rings or the Spud straps from Elite Fitness are so good as they allow your hands/arms to seek a natural path which frequently is a type of rotational or spiral pattern. This is the way the body wants to naturally move in most pulling movements and a fixed grip on a barbell doesn't allow for this to occur.
The other option is to seek out chin bars with neutral grip handles which are the friendliest grip handles for your joints of the fixed bar positions. Take from one who has been doing chins/pullups for over 45 years. Don't learn your lesson the hard way and wonder why your shoulders are killing you.
So try out rings, or something similar, for chinning or at the least start using more neutral grip work in your chin programs.

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