Friday, August 31, 2012

Today's Training: Strength-Total Body

  Today was a strength training day at the gym. Had to get it in early as there was lots of stuff on the agenda for the rest of the day.

Warmup: Ankle mobs, foot circles, neck mobs, Indian clubs, Rocking, rolling, cross crawls, forward/backwards spider crawls

Workout: Speed sumo deadlifts w/bands: 7 x 3 @ 185 & short orange bands--on the minute; Superset-KB swings 4 x 10 @ 32 kg. with Box jumps 3 x 5;
  Tri-set: Dog Bone chins 4 x 6 with Cable chest press 4 x 10 @ 35 ea; and Rollouts 3 x 10.
    KB Farmers carries- 3 x 75 yds. @ 32 kg.

Comments: Good session; started using the "Re-set" drills from "Becoming Bulletproof" this week--rolling, rocking, cross crawls and crawls (specifically spider crawls). No equipment necessary, fundamental movement patterns, harder than they look or sound. Will be interested to see how I feel in several weeks.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today's Training: All About Power!

  Today's training was all about power from hill sprints to box jumps.

Warmup: Ankle mobs, wall slides, leg swings, march series, skip series, low box hip flexor, open hip t-spine rotation, 1/2 kneeling adductor

Workout: 5 x 100 meter hill sprint (walk back for recovery); 2 min. rest. 5 x 25 meter hill sprint(steeper)(walk back for recovery).
     Med ball circuit: MB wall dribbles 2 x 15 sec. @ 4 lbs; Med ball chest pass-2 x 12 @ 18 lbs; Med ball side toss-2 x 7 @ 18 lbs; Med ball push press pass- 2 x 5 @ 18 lbs.
    Sled pushes- 8 x 10 sec. w/50 sec. recovery @ 200 lbs.
      Box Jumps- 3 x 5

Comments: Circumstances and facility determined this exercise order so you can't necessarily be adhering to ideals of program structure when reality dictates otherwise.
    Rubber track with high humidity made for a tough day pushing the didn't seem to want to move. Hate it when the sled is uncooperative!
  Otherwise, a good, solid training session getting a lot of power work done. 
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Monday, August 27, 2012

Improvising When/Where Necessary to Train

  It is easy for life's little inconveniences to give you a ready made excuse to not do your day's training but then that is just a crutch or the easy way out of training with any consistency.
    Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and improvise a training session to "git ir dun"!
     Today was such a day for me as I couldn't get to the gym so I used my outdoor gym which I hadn't done in a while.
  Over the years I have accumulated a few "toys" that allow me to put together a pretty neat outdoor gym setup: kettlebells, heavy clubbells, TRX, rings and the like. You can put together a pretty awesome training session with these tools, believe me.
   Today's session was a circuit with these 5 exercises:

  • Clubbell swings x 12 @ 20 lbs. ea.
  • Thick rope L-seat chins x 8
  • TRX suspended lunge x 12 ea.
  • Rip Trainer baseball horizontal chops x 10 ea.
  • Ring pushups on 1 leg   x 20
   I did the circuit 4 times with 1 minute recovery between circuits (each circuit took about 2.5 minutes) so it was a negative work/recovery ratio. 
   Total time from start to finish, including recovery, was less than 15 minutes.
     I hit the major movements with a horizontal push, vertical pull, hip hinge/hip dominant, knee dominant, and a rotational core/trunk movement. In addition, the clubbell swings did double duty as they were an explosive exercise as well. 
  I strength trained like this outdoors in quite a while as the summer was mostly inhospitable to this type of training, at least where I live! :)

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Should Pitchers Distance Run? What the Research Says. | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training

Should Pitchers Distance Run? What the Research Says. | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training This isn't too surprising considering the nature of the sport.

Today's Training: Power & Conditioning

  Today was a combo day whereby I did some power work with med balls and then some conditioning work with some longer sprint work.

Warmup: Leg swings-lateral, leg swings-sagital plane, lateral squats, arm circles, march series, skip series, jumping jacks

Workout: Med ball circuit: Chest pass-2 x 12 @ 8 lbs; MB side toss-2 x 7 @ 8 lbs.; MB hip toss-2 x 8 @ 8lbs.
    7 x 120 yd. striders on the grass-75 second recovery between reps.

Comments: Haven't done these type of longer "conditioning" sprints in a while. It was good to get back to them once again. Going to try to do them once weekly for a while and see how that goes.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today's Training: Recovery Ride

  Today was another recovery ride on my fixed gear bike. As stated before the no impact, rhythmic cadence seems to aid me , anyway, in my recovery and regeneration.
   As yesterday was a high intensity neural day I try to follow those up with days that are more conditioning/metabolically oriented to facilitate recovery.
  Interestingly, I actually felt pretty good as the effort required to get the same or faster speed than normal seemed to be less taxing. That is either the sign of increased fitness or a blip on the radar. Time will tell!

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Seth's Blog: Tattoo thinking

Seth's Blog: Tattoo thinking Sounds like ready, fire, aim! Take action and learn from it. Applies to your training and fitness as well.

Egg Yolks as Dangerous as Smoking?

Egg Yolks as Dangerous as Smoking? Really?!? More like really bad science with an attention grabbing headline.

Egg Yolks as Dangerous as Smoking?

Egg Yolks as Dangerous as Smoking? Really?!? More like really bad science with an attention grabbing headline.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Yesterday's Training: Strength Training

Yesterday I embarked on another journey on Wendler's  5-3-1 strength training program which I have used with good success in the past and go back to for various cycles quite a bit.
   My core lifts will be the clean from the floor, bench press and sumo deadlift.
      I will make slight variations to the bench press as I can't do prolonged benching without some trauma to my shoulders so I will likely substitute dumbbell work occasionally which my shoulders can tolerate much better than a constant diet of flat bench presses.

Warmup: Tabletop hamstring & hip rotators, ankle mobs, wall slides, arm circles, goblet squat holds, lateral squats, 1/2 kneeling hip flexor, open hip t-spine rotation

Workout: Power cleans from floor 4 x 4 @ 120, 135, 155, 160; Dog Bone chins 4 x 6 supersetted w/RFESS 4 x 10 @ 30 lbs. each; 1 arm KB swings 4 x 8 ea. @ 45 lbs; Double KB carries 3 x 75 yds. @ 32 kg.

Comments: Though the 5-3-1 system calls for the last set to be a max rep set I don't believe in that for technical lifts such as the clean. Too much chance for poor technique and thus injury IMO. So I stuck with sets of 4 to ensure my technique stayed relatively "clean" (no pun intended)!

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Today's Training: Mixed Bag!

  Today was a day of mixed training which included playing 8 games of singles squash and then followed up with a strength training session.

Warmup: Leg swings, arm circles, lateral squats, rotational squats, Groiners, Inchworms

Squash: 8 games singles. For those that haven't/don't play squash, take it from me. This is great conditioning work...interval style without even thinking about it...just chase that little black ball.

Workout: Speed deadlifts w/bands(short orange)-6 x 3 (on the minute); Spud strap L-seat chins 3 x 8 supersetted with RFESS 3 x 10 ea.
   KB Farmers Carries-2 x 75 yds. @ 32 kg. each

Comments: Good session with the combo of the squash and the lifting. I count squash as interval conditioning work as that is what is it is...short to medium length bursts with very little rest between points.  Squash is one of the few sports where there truly is a negative work/rest ratio i.e. the work periods are longer than the rest periods in most cases.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Today's Training: Cycling/Recovery Day

  For me cycling is a recovery day on two fronts: it is non-impact and it is not as neurologically as demanding as sprint work or heavy strength work, for example.
   On an early morning outing, like today, it is also quite refreshing as you get out and about before the morning rush/crush and also beat the heat.
   I use my fixed gear bike almost exclusively now for my cycling as it is both a skill challenge as well as the fact you are constantly working as there is no rest or respite from having to constantly pedal.
   Today I went out for 40 minutes, kept the tempo pretty high and though the course was relatively flat it was still not a walk in the park. So I broke a sweat without pounding the crap out of myself.
   I highly recommend cycling as a recovery mode esp. for those who do a lot of heavy lifting, plyos and sprint work.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today's Training: POWER!

   I post these training sessions as they are real life examples of what a Masters athlete is doing in their training program so I hope they provide some insight into how you might approach your own training.
   Today was another power training day so it is very obvious how much emphasis I put on the necessity of power training and it is no less important as we age.
   So today' session incorporated med ball work, sprinting and some jump training.

Warmup: Ankle mobs, 1/2 kneeling adductor, open hip t-spine rotation, 1/2 kneeling hip flexor wall touch, toe/heel walks, March series, skip series, backpedals, high knees, butt kickers

Workout: Med ball circuit: Med ball wall dribbles- 2 x 15 sec. @ 4 lbs., Med ball reactive chest pass-2 x 12 @ 15 lbs., Med ball side toss- 2 x 7 @ 15 lbs., Med ball scoop toss- 2 x 6 @ 15 lbs. 90 sec. recovery between sets.
    Buildup sprints: 8 x 50 yds. with walk back for recovery. Then 1 x 80 yds.
     Box Jumps: 3 x 6 on 30" box. 90 seconds rest between sets.

Comments: Felt pretty good in the sprints. I frequently do "buildup" type sprints as it allows me to get into the sprint without the burst at the beginning. Esp. in the beginning of the session this is important as it takes me several sprints to feel entirely ready to go.
   Hadn't done box jumps in a while so a little trepidation in the beginning as 30" is a fairly high box esp. for an "old" guy! Once you get a few out of the way things are fine.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Today's Training: Strength work

   As I am gearing up for to start a new program next week did some more testing today with the power clean being the lift to test.

Warmup: Ankle mobs, wall slides, goblet squat hold-2 x 45 sec., Band shoulder traction work, 1/2 kneeling adductor, jumping jacks

Workout: Power clean from floor (testing): worked up to 1 rep max of 175; Superset: TRX inverted rows-4 x 15 w/ Wide stance horizontal chop 4 x 8 @ 30 lbs; Superset: TRX "elbow" core moves 3 sets w/1 arm cable chest press  3 x 10 @ 35 lbs.

Comments: Good session; haven't done cleans from the floor in a while so that was challenging but I look forward to working on my technique in this new program. Also, tried out some new, interesting and challenging core movements on the TRX. The good ideas people come up with for that thing are amazing. 

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today's Training: Sprinting & Med ball Work-POWER!

   As you've probably ascertained by now I like to train power. Your first clue might be that I do it 3-4 times weekly in various ways and with various modes of training. Today was another one of those days.

Warmup: Ankle mobs, lateral squats, leg swings, arm circles, toe walks/heel walks, Groiners, Pidgeon stretch, Yoga pushups, March series, Skip series, backpedals

Workout: Tornado ball circuit-horizontal wall slams, diagonal wall slams, Figure 8's- 2 X w/ 8 lb. ball.

Acceleration ladder: 10-20-30-40-50 meter buildup sprints, walk back for recovery, 2 x w/2 min. rest between sets, then finish w/2 x 50 meters. Total: 400 meters of sprinting.

Comments: No matter how thorough and intense the warmup is it still takes me until about the 4th or 5th sprint to feel good. Just the way it is as you get older I suppose. Once I'm "lubed" up, though, I'm good to go. 
   I did focus on good drive phase and good arm action today as I sometimes get too "elbow dominant" instead of having the arm drive come from the shoulders. 

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Yesterday's Training: Strength work and Testing

   Yesterday I did some strength testing as part of my session as I am considering doing a Push-Pull powerlifting meet in early November. Push-Pull events just use the bench (push) and deadlift (pull) as their lifts which will suit me better as I'm not comfortable with the risk/benefit of heavy squatting. Just my own thoughts on the matter.

Warmup: Tabletop hamstring & hip rotators, ankle mobs, scap pushups, foam roller shoulder mob circuit, low box hip flexor, open hip t-spine, 1/2 kneeling adductor

Workout: Bench press (testing): got up to 1 RM @ 235; Superset: Trap Bar RDL-4 x 5 @ 195 & Face pulls-4 x 12 @ 57.5; KB Farmers carries-3 x 70 yds. @ 32 kg. each; Superset: Dog Bone Chins-3 x 7 & Rollouts-3 x 10

Comments: We will see whether my right shoulder can tolerate heavy benching and accessory work for next 3 months. If not then it may end up being a deadlift only meet!

Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Today's Training: Trail Run

  This ended up being an impromptu training session as I was expecting to play baseball today but we got rained out.
   So instead I did a trail run over the local college cross country course.
     It was a beautiful, sunny, relatively mild day as last night's storms seemed to have decreased the humidity, at least somewhat.
    I wore my heart rate monitor as I wanted to make this a relatively easy run by keeping my heart rate below 70% of heart rate max. So whenever it got close to that number I simply backed off the pace somewhat.
   Because the run was in the woods, it provided a little opportunity for some improvisational footwork and agility work by jumping over logs, dodging roots and stones and sidestepping other obstacles.
   It was a fun, different challenge and added some variety to my training week. I will probably try to incorporate a few more of these in my training regimen going forward but never to the extent it compromises my speed, strength and power training.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Training Today: Mixed Bag

  Today was kind of a mixed bag of training protocols with a little of this and a little of that.

Warmup: my early AM mobility work plus some dynamic warmup drills like leg swings, jumping jacks and marches

Squash: 10 games of singles squash with my squash gang. I use squash as a metabolic training session because you are getting a great conditioning effect while chasing a ball and having fun. I know it's conditioning work as I have frequently worn a heart rate monitor while playing and  consistently get my heart rate in excess of 80% of maximum and it seldom goes below65-70%. Beats jogging by a mile (pun intended!).

Extra Work: Kettlebell Farmers Carries-3 x 70 yds. @ 32 kg. each.
                       Sled pushes-8 x 10 yds. @ 200 lbs. with 30 seconds rest. A functional leg press along with a little conditioning work.

Comments: All in all, a good session, lots of fun and got the job done.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Today's Training: Strength Training

  Today was a total body strength training day with the "core" lift being the sumo deadlift.

Warmup: Ankle mobs, wall slides, 1/2 kneeling hip flexor and adductor, Indian clubs #1 & #2, open hip t-spine rotation, lateral squats

Workout: Super-set: Sumo deadlift- 4 x 5 @ 135, 225, 255, 275; Rip Trainer punch-3 x 8;
   Tri-set: Double KB swing 4 x 8 @ 55lb. ea., Smith machine inverted rows-4 x 15; Rip Trainer lateral walkouts-3 x 3
    Super set: Incline weighted pushups-4 x 10 @ 45 lbs, 45 degree back raise-4 x 10 @ 45 lbs.

Comments: Good training session. Haven't done any heavy deadlifts in a while and it was time to get started though I started conservatively. Want to add more swings to the program as well.

Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links. 

Injury Nutrition and Supplementation: How to Get Back in the Game Sooner | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training

Injury Nutrition and Supplementation: How to Get Back in the Game Sooner | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training Some interesting thoughts on how eating/supplementation may enhance injury recovery with some real life examples.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Today's Training: Hill Sprints & Med ball Work

   Today's training involved hill sprinting and med ball power work.

Warmup: Leg swings, arm circles, 1/2 kneeling hip flexor-wall touch, 1/2 kneeling adductor, open hip t-spine rotation, ankle mobs-wall touches, wall slides

Workout: 5 x 100 yds hill sprints (walk back for recovery); 2.5 minute recovery, 5 x 25 yds hill sprints (walk back for recovery)
   Then, med ball circuit-Med ball wall dribbles 2 x 15 sec. @ 4 lbs; Med ball chest pass-2 x 12 @ 15 lbs; Med ball side toss-2 x 6 @ 15 lbs; Med ball scoop toss-2 x 6 @ 15 lbs.

Comments: Good session with both the sprints and med ball work. Little warm out there but persisted nonetheless. Git 'er dun!

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Today's Training: Two a Days

   As I've gotten older I have tended towards doing more single session training days where in the past I frequently did 2 training sessions in one day. I found that recovery became more and more important as I got older but upon occasion I will do a 2 training session day if my energy, recovery and schedule permits.
   Today was such a day.

1st Session: Dynamic warmup including leg swings, groiners, Yoga pushups, toe walks/heel walks, March series, skip series.

  • Med ball circuit: MB chest pass 2 x 12 @ 3 kg., Alt. hip toss-2 x 12 2 3 kg.; Soccer throw-2 x 8 @ 3 kg.  Emphasis was on speed of movement.
  • Acceleration sprint ladder: 10-20-30-40-50 meter sprints x 2 (with 2 min. recovery between sets), then 20-30-40 meter sprints to finish. Walk back for recovery between sprints.
2nd Session: Warmup-tabletop hamstring and hip rotator, foam roller thoracic spine series, 1/2 kneeling adductor, 1/2 kneeling hip flexor

Workout: Box squats to 14" box-4 x 5 @ 135, 155, 175, 195 supersetted w/"Dog Bone" chins* 4 x 6; Tri-set: Landmine 1 leg RDL 4 x 5 @ 60, Cable chest press-4 x 12 @ 40 lbs, rollouts 4 x 8
*The Dog Bone is one of Rogue Fitness' devious chinning/grip devices that has two large diameter globes connected by a cylinder which is a challenge to your grip esp. when chinning. 

Comments: Two good sessions with a good sprint/power session in the morning followed by a good, effective strength session in the PM. Should sleep well tonight!

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Reasons Why You Train

   Yesterday was another example of why one trains, at least it was for me!
      I played 2 games of baseball in nearly 100 degree heat index, a total of 17 innings chasing balls in the outfield and running the basepaths.
   I not only am the oldest outfielder on our team, I consistently play the most amount of innings and am the least tired and the one that seems never to get hurt. Hmmm.....interesting1 :)
   I say this not to brag but to illustrate a point.
    It is not be accident that this is the case but rather a by-product of my comprehensive approach to training: mobility and dynamic warmup work, sprint and power work, strength training and conditioning work.
  Too many people get fixated on one component of training or another ,usually one that they do well at which compromises their overall readiness to move well, move for long periods of time and move explosively without getting hurt.
  The point is there is no one way but only a comprehensive way to train well. No one component of training is the solution nor is one way of training the answer. So neither Yoga, Pilates, strength training, power stretching, running, you name it is the be all and end all of training. And anyone who advocates that either is ignorant or trying to sell you something.

Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Quick and Easy Ways to Feel and Move Better: Installment 13 | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training

Quick and Easy Ways to Feel and Move Better: Installment 13 | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training Good points to consider in your own training.

Today's Training: Squash and Strength Training

  •   Started off the day with some mobility work as I am trying to make that a more consistent, if not daily, practice and also do more of it in terms of volume.
  • Then 9 games singles squash with the gang. Not much down time between games so good session.
  • Strength training: power hang cleans 4 x 3 @ 155; Banded speed deadlifts (sumo style)-6 x 3 @155 + bands(on the minute); superset-Weighted pushups 3 x 12 @ 60 lbs. with Eccentric chins  3 x 3 @ 10 sec. eccentric.  KB Farmers carries- 3 x 70 yds. @ 32 kg. each
Comments: Good session as I still had some gas in the tank for the strength training after all of the squash. 

Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links. 


Friday, August 3, 2012

Today's Training: Sprint & Power Training

  Haven't sprinted in over a week so time to do some sprint and Med ball power work.

Warmup: Tabletop hamstring and hip rotators, ankle mobs, Wall pushups, 1/2 kneeling adductor, low box hip flexor, open hip t-spine rotation

Workout: Med ball circuit-wall dribbles 2 x 10 sec. @ 4 lbs; Med ball chest pass-2 x 12 @ 12 lbs; Med ball side toss 2 x 8 @ 12 lbs.; Med ball scoop toss-2 x 5 @ 12 lbs.

   Sprint ladder: 10-20-30-40-50 x 2 w/2 min. recovery between sets. Then 30-40-50 sprints.
       These were more like buildup sprints in that I tried to reach top speed by end of sprint with a gradual buildup in speed.
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