Monday, April 30, 2012
Today's Training: Strength
Today was another 5-3-1 session based off of Wendler's template. The "core" movement was the DB Incline chest press.
Warmup: Upper body foam roller series, ankle mobs, forearm wall slides, sidelying t-spine rotation, open hip t-spine rotation, 1/2 kneeling adductor, 1/2 kneeling hip flexor, Indian clubs
Workout: Incline DB chest press: 1 x 5 @65, 1 x 3 @ 75, 1 x 4 @ 90; Face Pulls 3 x 8 @ 52.5 w/5 sec. pause; KB swings 4 x 15 @ 32 kg. supersetted with chins, 3 x 15; Racked KB carries 3 x 60 yds. @ 28 kg.
Comments: A little sore from 16 innings of baseball and running around in the outfield and on the basepaths. So adjusted my training and instead of RFESS being the "core" lift did the Incline DB chest press instead. Seemed to work well.
Maybe I am learning a little bit....better late than never!
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Today's Training: Bodyweight Circuit
Today was supposed to be a sprint day but just didn't feel quite right so made a change in plans. Put together a little bodyweight circuit instead.
Warmup: Foam rolling, Indian clubs, 1/2 kneeling hip flexor, 1/2 kneeling adductor, Swissball upper body mobs, open hip t-spine rotation
Workout: Prisoner squats x 10; chins x 8; Pushups-ft. elevated x 10; 9 rounds in 10 minutes which adds up to 90 squats, 72 chins & 90 pushups. Not too bad for a short, quick training session.
Comments: In the elite track & field world, at least in the US, they frequently use bodyweight circuits as a recovery mode/day. They consider their heavy weightlifting and plyos as very CNS intensive and thus use the bodyweight circuits as a way to lessen the demand on the CNS while still getting a training effect for muscular endurance and core work.
Try doing some of these and I think you will agree they can be very effective and demanding assuming you choose the right exercises, pace yourself, and use proper full ROM.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Friday, April 27, 2012
Today's Training: Strength
Today was the 3rd session of the week with the focus being on the deadlift. I trained at the U. of Richmond Rec Center gym which, all things considered, is a pretty good gym. Kudos to them.
Warmup: Foam rolling, Indian clubs, KB arm bars, TRX cossack squat mobs, ankle mobs, hip flexor mobs
Workout: Sumo deadlift: 1 x 3 @ 135, 185, 235, 265, 1 x 6 @ 300; DB Kroc rows 4 x 6 @ 95 lbs. supersetted w/TRX fallouts 4 x 10;
TRX suspended lunges 3 x 12 ea.
Comments: Good session tho' didn't feel as strong on the pulls as last week. Maybe it was the environment/location?!? Next week will tell whether it is a trend. Otherwise things went well and felt strong.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
5 Overlooked Resources for Making Your Strength and Conditioning Programs More Effective | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training
5 Overlooked Resources for Making Your Strength and Conditioning Programs More Effective | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training
Some good food for thought from Cressey.
Some good food for thought from Cressey.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Today's Training: Running? OMG!?!
Today I headed down to Richmond, Va. for the Central Va. Sports Performance Clinic. When I got there I had been in the car for over 4 hrs. and needed to move.
I didn't feel like finding a gym so I knew that there was this neat place to run near the hotel.
Yes, I went for a run!?!
I know that sounds blasphemous to those who follow my posts and newsletter but guess what, folks?? I little "long" run every now and then isn't going to kill your speed, explosiveness, etc. Training effects aren't that quick or instantaneous regardless of what those late night informercials might tell you! :)
This was a good opportunity for such a run because it was no hassle, I knew the neighborhood and it was relatively scenic if a lake inside an office park can be considered scenic!!? Have to take what you can get you know what I mean?? Make do with what's available.
Now remember "long" run is always relative to the person involved and in this case it was 25 minutes "long."
But as circumstances would have it I came upon a nice grass incline early into my run and decided I would do some hill sprints. Again, take advantage of what's available... so I did 8 hill sprints and then finished the loop around this lake.
All in all it was fun and I think once a week of this type of training will do me some good and won't compromise my heavily power and strength training oriented training regimen.
Afterall, I train for life, not just sports, and I don't get paid to play sports!
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links.
Seth's Blog: Do you have a people strategy?
Seth's Blog: Do you have a people strategy? It always comes down to people, doesn't it?!?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Training Today: Strength
Today was another day in Wendler's 5-3-1 program with the core lift being the incline DB press. Also, tried out a new "toy/tool" which we will talk about shortly.
Warmup: Ankle mobs, forearm wall slides, tabletop hamstring, tabletop hip rotators, foam roll chest/shoulder series, Indian clubs, Swissball adductor/hip flexor
Workout: Incline DB chest press 3 x 3 @ 60,70,80, 1 x 5 @ 85; Face pulls 3 x 12 @ 60; "Dogbone" chins 3 x 6, supersetted w/Rip Trainer punch 3 x 8 ea.; Myoforce pushups 3 x 15, supersetted w/rollouts 3 x 10
Comments: Felt pretty strong today despite relatively early start. Had to get it in with meetings/trainings all day. Dogbone is an interesting tool/toy from Rogue Fitness that uses over-sized grip features to challenge you when doing pulls, carries, or, in this case, chins.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Pitfalls II: Being in a Rut
Pitfalls II: Being in a Rut Truth but frequently ignored at one's own peril!
Today's Training: POWER!
Today's weather was conducive to being outside so I took advantage after the last two days being essentially rainouts. Short post about today's training session which centered around power in the form of sprints, jumps and med ball work.
Warmup: Leg swings, toe walks/heel walks, arm circles, march series, skip series
Workout: Hill sprints 6 x 100 meters (medium hill)-walk back for recovery; 5 x 25 meters (steep hill)--walk back for recovery
Box jumps 3 x 5; Med ball work-Wall dribbles 2 x 15 sec. @ 4 lbs; Med ball chest pass 2 x 12 @ 6 lbs; Med ball alt. hip toss 2 x 12 @ 6 lbs; Med ball soccer throw 2 x 8 @ 6 lbs.
Comments: Had fun with this session; should always end any training session feeling good not wiped out. You should look forward to your training sessions not dreading them. That is a hard concept for many, esp. men, to grasp.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Monday, April 23, 2012
Today's Training: Strength Training
Today's session started the 2nd week of the 2nd phase of Wendler's 5-3-1 program. The core lift today was the Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat with a barbell (RFESS).
Warmup: Tabletop hamstring, tabletop hip rotators, Figure 4, ankle mobs, scap retractions, 1/2 kneeling hip flexor, 1/2 kneeling adductor, Indian clubs
Workout: BB RFESS: 1 x 3 @ 45, 75, 95, 110; 1 x 5 @ 125; KB swings 4 x 15 @ 32 kg. supersetted w/rope chins 3 x 10;
Rope carries w/KBs 2 x 50 yds. @ 32 kg.
Comments: I am finding that with so many years of training I can still maintain/get stronger without major core lifts without the frequency I once did. I suppose that allows me to train harder for those given sessions without the strain on my CNS, joints and connective tissues. At least that's my theory! :) I am still using significant weight for an "old" guy who uses strength training as a means to an end.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Today's Training: Sprint Intervals
Today was a "conditioning" day featuring some longer sprints. I was supposed to play baseball today but we got rained out...I hope this doesn't turn into 2011 as far as baseball weather goes.
Warmup: Ankle mobs, scap retractions, foam roller shoulder mobs, Indian clubs, toe walks/heel walks, march series, high knees, skip series
Workout: 4 x 175 yd. sprints, recover to 100 bpm heart rate.
Comments: Good session; simple, short, intense, no wasted time/effort. It is easy in these sessions to get carried away and think more is better. But I've learned that being able to train consistently over time is critical to reaching your goals. And it is better to do something consistently and well then every once in a while exceptionally.
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Friday, April 20, 2012
Why Everyone Should Sprint: Part 2
In the first installment of this series I talked about some of the benefits of sprinting. And by sprinting I don't mean jogging or long slow distance running.
But if you haven't sprinted in a while there are some key form pointers to help you get into the flow once again.
1.As far as sprint posture is concerned ( and really all running) you have to think of all the major joints being in alignment. In other words, if you were to draw a line it would run straight through your ear, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle joint when your 1 foot is in contact with the ground.
2. Think of pushing into the ground not striving to "lift" your knees. High knees is a function of one of Newton's laws--for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
3. When accelerating your foot strike in behind your COM and your body is angled at about 45 degrees. It is what is called backside action.
4. When at, or near, top speed foot strike should be as close to directly under your COM/hips as possible. That is the most efficient footstrike. If the foot lands in front of the COM that is effectively a braking action not to mention very jarring to the whole kinetic chain.
5. At all points/phases you should think of relaxation as that will facilitate optimal speed. If you are tight in any facet it will tie you up and you won't be able to move freely and efficiently. Think of running at 90% of maximum effort if that helps.
6. Good sprinting arm action is critical to smooth, efficient sprinting as well. Basically, you want to think of your hand going from hip pocket to eye socket. Front side arm has the elbow at 90 degrees or less and backside arm action has the elbow at about 135 degrees.
These aren't precise angles but ball park estimates.
7. Arm action comes from the shoulder not the elbow. Don't "T-Rex" it!
8. Try to minimize much arm action across the centerline of the body. It is less efficient and may cause unnecessary rotational forces.
9. Warm-up thoroughly before doing any sprinting. The more intense the training the longer and more intense the warmup must be. And I don't mean just stretching but a warmup that gets progressively more dynamic and aggressive the further you are into it.
10. Start out easily. Err on the side of caution if you haven't sprinted in some time. Sprinting is the ultimate expression of power and athleticism and as such is tremendously demanding on the body. So ease into any new regimen with doing some striders before anything more aggressive. For the first few weeks striders may be all that is necessary to get started.
I hope those tips helped in getting you started safely in any sprint program. As kids most of us loved to sprint and run fast. We can still reap the benefits of sprinting as we get older if we proceed with caution and common sense.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links.
Today's Training Session: Strength Training
Today was another of the 5-3-1 training program days with the "core" lift being the sumo deadlift.
Warmup: Ankle mobs, forearm wall slides, Indian clubs,tabletop hamstring, tabletop hip rotators, Swissball adductor, Swissball Chest stretch, KB Halos, KB windmills
Workout: Sumo deadlift: 1 x 5 @ 135, 225, 250, 270, 1 x 8 @ 290; KB swings 4 x 12 @ 32 kg. supersetted w/DB Kroc rows 4 x 6 @ 90 lbs.;
KB racked carries 2 x 60 yds. @ 28 kg.
Comments: Good session and the deadlifts felt fast and clean which is a good sign. Kroc rows felt good as well. It's amazing what that de-load week can do for you.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Today's Training Session: Hill Sprints/med ball work
Day got nicer so it was an opportunity to get outside and do some hill sprints. Took full advantage!
Warmup: Ankle mobs, wall slides, arm circles, leg swings, march series, skip series
Workout: Hill sprints-long hill: 6 x 100 meters; walk back for recovery; short hill--5 x 25 meters-walk back for recovery.
Box jumps 3 x 5
Med ball work: Wall dribbles 2 x 15 sec. @ 4 lbs; MB chest pass 2 x 12 @ 18 lbs; Side toss 2 x 6 @ 18 lbs; Soccer throw 2 x 7 @ 18 lbs.
Comments: Good session as all joints were in good operating condition! :) Med ball work emphasized strength-speed. Felt good and clean on box jumps.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Ankle mobs, wall slides, arm circles, leg swings, march series, skip series
Workout: Hill sprints-long hill: 6 x 100 meters; walk back for recovery; short hill--5 x 25 meters-walk back for recovery.
Box jumps 3 x 5
Med ball work: Wall dribbles 2 x 15 sec. @ 4 lbs; MB chest pass 2 x 12 @ 18 lbs; Side toss 2 x 6 @ 18 lbs; Soccer throw 2 x 7 @ 18 lbs.
Comments: Good session as all joints were in good operating condition! :) Med ball work emphasized strength-speed. Felt good and clean on box jumps.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Today's Training Session: Strength Training
Today was another one of the 5-3-1 sessions as I move into the 2nd month/phase of the program. "Core" exercise today was the incline DB bench.
Warmup: Forearm wall slides, Indian clubs, ankle mobs, tabletop hip rotators, tabletop hamstring, low box hip flexor
Workout: Incline DB bench-1 x 5 @ 55,65, 75; 1 x 7 @ 80; Face pulls 3 x 12 @ 57.5; Smith machine inverted rows 3 x 15 supersetted with TRX Rip Trainer punch 3 x 8; Weighted pushups 3 x 6 @ 100 lbs. supersetted w/Landmine 1/2 moons 3 x 12
Comments: Good, relatively quick session. Still hitting the target numbers on the core lift which is what makes this such a simple but effective strength program. It's time to move onto something else when you can't hit the numbers anymore. Usually, for me anyway, it is after 3 cycles.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Forearm wall slides, Indian clubs, ankle mobs, tabletop hip rotators, tabletop hamstring, low box hip flexor
Workout: Incline DB bench-1 x 5 @ 55,65, 75; 1 x 7 @ 80; Face pulls 3 x 12 @ 57.5; Smith machine inverted rows 3 x 15 supersetted with TRX Rip Trainer punch 3 x 8; Weighted pushups 3 x 6 @ 100 lbs. supersetted w/Landmine 1/2 moons 3 x 12
Comments: Good, relatively quick session. Still hitting the target numbers on the core lift which is what makes this such a simple but effective strength program. It's time to move onto something else when you can't hit the numbers anymore. Usually, for me anyway, it is after 3 cycles.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Today's Training Session: Sprints, Med ball work--POWER!
Today was another gorgeous day in our area so went down to do some sprint work/med ball/power work on the turf at the local college.
Warmup: Leg Swings, Indian clubs, arm circles, toe walks/heel walks, march series, high knees, butt kickers, skip series
Workout: 8 x 60 meter sprints on the turf (walk back for recovery); Med ball scoop toss 2 x 6 @ 3 kg; Plyo step-ups 2 x 10; Overhead med ball toss 2 x 6 @ 3 kg.
Comments: Today's session made me think about quality over quantity. I felt good enough to do more of virtually everything but I thought it was wiser to quit while ahead and having still done the work I wanted to get done. Can't say I always have followed that philosophy, though! :)
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Leg Swings, Indian clubs, arm circles, toe walks/heel walks, march series, high knees, butt kickers, skip series
Workout: 8 x 60 meter sprints on the turf (walk back for recovery); Med ball scoop toss 2 x 6 @ 3 kg; Plyo step-ups 2 x 10; Overhead med ball toss 2 x 6 @ 3 kg.
Comments: Today's session made me think about quality over quantity. I felt good enough to do more of virtually everything but I thought it was wiser to quit while ahead and having still done the work I wanted to get done. Can't say I always have followed that philosophy, though! :)
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Monday, April 16, 2012
Less sleep, disrupted internal 24-hour clock means higher risk of diabetes and obesity#.T4xCN0NkeXc.twitter#.T4xCN0NkeXc.twitter
Less sleep, disrupted internal 24-hour clock means higher risk of diabetes and obesity#.T4xCN0NkeXc.twitter#.T4xCN0NkeXc.twitter This should show how important sleep is and when you sleep is equally vital.
Today's Training Session: Strength Training
After a 4 day hiatus/mini-vacation in the paradise spot called Turks and Caicos for my stepdaughter's wedding I returned to "planet earth"/reality today.
Today began the 2nd month/phase of the 5-3-1 program so it will be interesting to see how things progress.
Warmup: Ankle mobs, forearm wall slides, low box hip flexor, Indian clubs, 1/2 kneeling adductor, sidelying t-spine rotation
Workout: Barbell RFESS: 1 x 5 @ 45, 1x 5 @ 90, 105, 115, 1 x 7 @ 125; KB swing/ high pull/snatch combo 4 x 5 ea. side @ 24 kg. supersetted with chins 3 x 12, 15, 15; KB racked carries 2 x 50 yds. @ 24 kg.
Comments: Simple, yet efficient workout session. No bells and whistles. I am doing more and more of these types of training sessions...focus on a few movements and do them well.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Today began the 2nd month/phase of the 5-3-1 program so it will be interesting to see how things progress.
Warmup: Ankle mobs, forearm wall slides, low box hip flexor, Indian clubs, 1/2 kneeling adductor, sidelying t-spine rotation
Workout: Barbell RFESS: 1 x 5 @ 45, 1x 5 @ 90, 105, 115, 1 x 7 @ 125; KB swing/ high pull/snatch combo 4 x 5 ea. side @ 24 kg. supersetted with chins 3 x 12, 15, 15; KB racked carries 2 x 50 yds. @ 24 kg.
Comments: Simple, yet efficient workout session. No bells and whistles. I am doing more and more of these types of training sessions...focus on a few movements and do them well.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Today's Training Session: Running in Paradise!
As I write this I am in Turks and Caicos for my daughter's wedding on Saturday. Rough life but someone has to do it! :)
I don't usually do a lot of long distance running but today was a day that called for a run on the beach.
Afterall, I am in one of the world's tropical island paradises, with soft, white sand beaches, so why not?
So I put on my New Balance Minimus and out the door and on to the beach I went for a run.
As most know running on sand is work, hard work, so my pace was leisurely to say the least. I just ran out for 15 minutes and turned around and ran back. I had my Polar heart rate monitor on and kept my pace below 70% THRM. Just a little run to enjoy the outdoors, the sunshine and get some Vitamin D.
But what's not to like about running on a tropical beach in the late afternoon with the pleasant sea breezes and brilliant sunshine?!?
It was so enjoyable I may do it again a few times in the next few days. It won't kill me and I'm not so dogmatic in my training beliefs that I won't do something out of the ordinary because it's enjoyable or the local environment encourages it.
As they say, fitness is movement and movement is fitness.
Train hard and train smart!
I don't usually do a lot of long distance running but today was a day that called for a run on the beach.
Afterall, I am in one of the world's tropical island paradises, with soft, white sand beaches, so why not?
So I put on my New Balance Minimus and out the door and on to the beach I went for a run.
As most know running on sand is work, hard work, so my pace was leisurely to say the least. I just ran out for 15 minutes and turned around and ran back. I had my Polar heart rate monitor on and kept my pace below 70% THRM. Just a little run to enjoy the outdoors, the sunshine and get some Vitamin D.
But what's not to like about running on a tropical beach in the late afternoon with the pleasant sea breezes and brilliant sunshine?!?
It was so enjoyable I may do it again a few times in the next few days. It won't kill me and I'm not so dogmatic in my training beliefs that I won't do something out of the ordinary because it's enjoyable or the local environment encourages it.
As they say, fitness is movement and movement is fitness.
Train hard and train smart!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Today's Training Session: Strength Work
2nd day in the deload week so the "core" movement was the incline DB chest press. These deload weeks are sometimes as challenging as any other at least in a psychological sense!
Warmup: Foam roller shoulder mobs, ankle mobs, wall slides, sidelying t-spine rotation, low box hip flexor, 1/2 kneeling adductor, Indian clubs
Workout: DB Incline Chest Press: 3 x 5 @ 40, 50, 55; Face Pulls 3 x 12 @ 62.5; Smith machine inverted rows 3 x 12 supersetted w/rollouts 3 x 10; "1 arm" pushup on med ball 2 x 6 Ea.
KB Farmers carries 2 x 70 yds. @ 32 kg.
Comments: For many seasoned athletes these deload weeks seem almost irrelevant but they are the key to recovery and allow the supercompensation effect to take place. You should embrace them instead!
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Foam roller shoulder mobs, ankle mobs, wall slides, sidelying t-spine rotation, low box hip flexor, 1/2 kneeling adductor, Indian clubs
Workout: DB Incline Chest Press: 3 x 5 @ 40, 50, 55; Face Pulls 3 x 12 @ 62.5; Smith machine inverted rows 3 x 12 supersetted w/rollouts 3 x 10; "1 arm" pushup on med ball 2 x 6 Ea.
KB Farmers carries 2 x 70 yds. @ 32 kg.
Comments: For many seasoned athletes these deload weeks seem almost irrelevant but they are the key to recovery and allow the supercompensation effect to take place. You should embrace them instead!
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Today's Training Session: Sprints/Med ball work
Today was another nice spring day tho' a little breezy. Had to get outside and train today so it was a good opportunity to be in the great outdoors.
Warmup: Leg swings, lateral squats, march series, arm circles, skip series
Workout: 8 x 55 meter sprints (on turf) w/walk back for recovery.
Med ball work: MB scoop tosses 2 x 6 @ 3 kg.
MB overhead throws 2 x 6 @ 3 kg.
Comments: Good session tho' tweaked my right hip flexor. We will see how it does it over the next few days.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Leg swings, lateral squats, march series, arm circles, skip series
Workout: 8 x 55 meter sprints (on turf) w/walk back for recovery.
Med ball work: MB scoop tosses 2 x 6 @ 3 kg.
MB overhead throws 2 x 6 @ 3 kg.
Comments: Good session tho' tweaked my right hip flexor. We will see how it does it over the next few days.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Monday, April 9, 2012
Chins--Doing More Harm Than Good
I believe chins/pullups should be a staple of everyone's training program. But too much chinning will not be good for many folks shoulders in the long run so you have to use them judiciously and wisely in your programming.
Along those lines supinated (palms facing) or pronated (palms facing away) positions aren't shoulder friendly for many folks either. That internal or external rotation just puts too much stress on people's shoulder joints, at least in many cases.
Now if your shoulders can tolerate it go for it. But just because they tolerate it at age 20 doesn't mean they will at age 40 and the point is to do this for a lifetime not flame out in your early 30's. Just a word of advice! :)
So that is why tools like rings or the Spud straps from Elite Fitness are so good as they allow your hands/arms to seek a natural path which frequently is a type of rotational or spiral pattern. This is the way the body wants to naturally move in most pulling movements and a fixed grip on a barbell doesn't allow for this to occur.
The other option is to seek out chin bars with neutral grip handles which are the friendliest grip handles for your joints of the fixed bar positions. Take from one who has been doing chins/pullups for over 45 years. Don't learn your lesson the hard way and wonder why your shoulders are killing you.
So try out rings, or something similar, for chinning or at the least start using more neutral grip work in your chin programs.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Along those lines supinated (palms facing) or pronated (palms facing away) positions aren't shoulder friendly for many folks either. That internal or external rotation just puts too much stress on people's shoulder joints, at least in many cases.
Now if your shoulders can tolerate it go for it. But just because they tolerate it at age 20 doesn't mean they will at age 40 and the point is to do this for a lifetime not flame out in your early 30's. Just a word of advice! :)
So that is why tools like rings or the Spud straps from Elite Fitness are so good as they allow your hands/arms to seek a natural path which frequently is a type of rotational or spiral pattern. This is the way the body wants to naturally move in most pulling movements and a fixed grip on a barbell doesn't allow for this to occur.
The other option is to seek out chin bars with neutral grip handles which are the friendliest grip handles for your joints of the fixed bar positions. Take from one who has been doing chins/pullups for over 45 years. Don't learn your lesson the hard way and wonder why your shoulders are killing you.
So try out rings, or something similar, for chinning or at the least start using more neutral grip work in your chin programs.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Today's Training: Strength Training
In the 5-3-1 system, this week is a deload week so loads are much lighter and it is a recovery week. It is good timing for me as I am headed to my daughter's wedding this coming weekend so gym access was going to be compromised anyway!
Warmup: Ankle mobs, forearm wall slides, tabletop hamstring, tabletop hip rotators, Swiss ball chest opener, Swiss ball hip flexor, 1/2 kneeling adductor, Brettzel 1.0
Workout: RFESS 1 x 5 @ 60, 70, 85; Landmine 1/2 moon 3 x 12; 1 arm KB swing 3 x 10 @ 24 kg.; chins 2 x 15; KB Farmers carries 2 x 70 yds. @ 32 kg.
Comments: This is a piece of the training puzzle that many people miss in that planned recovery/deload weeks are critical to prevent injury and ensure long term progress. You should have every 4th or 5th week as a deload week.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Ankle mobs, forearm wall slides, tabletop hamstring, tabletop hip rotators, Swiss ball chest opener, Swiss ball hip flexor, 1/2 kneeling adductor, Brettzel 1.0
Workout: RFESS 1 x 5 @ 60, 70, 85; Landmine 1/2 moon 3 x 12; 1 arm KB swing 3 x 10 @ 24 kg.; chins 2 x 15; KB Farmers carries 2 x 70 yds. @ 32 kg.
Comments: This is a piece of the training puzzle that many people miss in that planned recovery/deload weeks are critical to prevent injury and ensure long term progress. You should have every 4th or 5th week as a deload week.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
The Hips in Baseball Hitting | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training
The Hips in Baseball Hitting | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training Something to think about for you baseball parents.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Today's Training Session: Sprints/Med ball work
Today was the 7th consecutive nice spring day and I have been trying to take advantage by being/training outside as much as possible. Today was an early morning sprint session to beat the soccer guys to the turf field I like to train on! :)
Warmup: Leg swings, lateral squats, arm circles, march series, skip series.
Workout: 8 x 60 meter sprints on turf; walk back for recovery.
Med ball scoop toss: 2 x 6 2 3 kg.; Med ball overhead toss 1 x 10 @ 3 kg.; Med ball hip toss 1 x 8 @ 3 kg.
Comments: Though a little "crisp" to start it was very pleasant once I got warmed up. Good session and love being out with clear blue skies like it was this morning.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Leg swings, lateral squats, arm circles, march series, skip series.
Workout: 8 x 60 meter sprints on turf; walk back for recovery.
Med ball scoop toss: 2 x 6 2 3 kg.; Med ball overhead toss 1 x 10 @ 3 kg.; Med ball hip toss 1 x 8 @ 3 kg.
Comments: Though a little "crisp" to start it was very pleasant once I got warmed up. Good session and love being out with clear blue skies like it was this morning.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Friday, April 6, 2012
Today's Training Session: Strength Training
Today's "core" lift was the sumo deadlift and this is the 3rd week of the 5-3-1 protocol which I plan to follow for at least the next 5 weeks.
Warmup: Tabletop hamstring, tabletop hip rotators, ankle mobs, wall scaps, SB adductor, Indian clubs
Workout: Sumo deadlift-1 x 5 2 135, 1 x 5 @ 225, 1 x 5 @ 240, 1 x 3 @ 270, 1 x 3 @ 295, 1 x 4 @ 325
KB swings 4 x 12 @ 32 kg. supersetted w/Face Pulls 3 x 12 @ 60
DB Kroc rows: 4 x 6 @ 95
Comments: Felt pretty good with all of the pulls; had several in the tank on the deadlift.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Tabletop hamstring, tabletop hip rotators, ankle mobs, wall scaps, SB adductor, Indian clubs
Workout: Sumo deadlift-1 x 5 2 135, 1 x 5 @ 225, 1 x 5 @ 240, 1 x 3 @ 270, 1 x 3 @ 295, 1 x 4 @ 325
KB swings 4 x 12 @ 32 kg. supersetted w/Face Pulls 3 x 12 @ 60
DB Kroc rows: 4 x 6 @ 95
Comments: Felt pretty good with all of the pulls; had several in the tank on the deadlift.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The 5 Best Quotes Ever Uttered by Strength & Conditioning Professionals
The 5 Best Quotes Ever Uttered by Strength & Conditioning Professionals Words of wisdom from 5 of the top coaches.
Today's Training Session: Hill Sprints/med ball work
Beautiful crisp spring day so had to go outside and get some training in the great outdoors.
Warmup: Arm circles, march series, leg swings, skip series
Workout: 6 x 100 meters, walk back for recovery. 2 min. rest between sets. 4 x 25 meters (steeper hill), walk back for recovery.
Box jumps 2 x 5;Med ball work-wall dribbles 2 x 15 sec. @ 4 lbs.; MB chest pass-2 x 12 @ 6 lb.; alt. hip toss 2 x 12 @ 6 lbs; MB soccer throw 2 x 8 @ 6 lbs.
Comments: Good session, no joint pain which is always nice!
Emphasis was on quality not quantity. Wasn't intended as a conditioning session!
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Arm circles, march series, leg swings, skip series
Workout: 6 x 100 meters, walk back for recovery. 2 min. rest between sets. 4 x 25 meters (steeper hill), walk back for recovery.
Box jumps 2 x 5;Med ball work-wall dribbles 2 x 15 sec. @ 4 lbs.; MB chest pass-2 x 12 @ 6 lb.; alt. hip toss 2 x 12 @ 6 lbs; MB soccer throw 2 x 8 @ 6 lbs.
Comments: Good session, no joint pain which is always nice!
Emphasis was on quality not quantity. Wasn't intended as a conditioning session!
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Is Eating Meat Ethical? | Mark's Daily Apple
Is Eating Meat Ethical? | Mark's Daily Apple Some food for thought (pun intended)!
Today's Training Session: Strength Training
Today was a strength training session centered around the DB Incline Press as per Wendler's 5-3-1 program.
Warmup: Ankle mobs, Indian clubs, wall slides, low box hip flexor, 1/2 kneeling adductor
Workout: Incline DB chest press: 1 x 5 @ 70, 1 x 3 @ 80, 1 x 4 @ 90; Face pulls 3 x 12 @ 60 ; Smith machine inverted rows 3 x 15 supersetted w/Rip Trainer overhead chops 3 x 8 ea.; 1 arm MB pushups 3 x 6 ea. supersetted w/rollouts 3 x 10
Comments: Hit good number on the "max" out set on the DB incline chest press. This 5-3-1 program works very well for me as it has for some of my clients.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links.
Warmup: Ankle mobs, Indian clubs, wall slides, low box hip flexor, 1/2 kneeling adductor
Workout: Incline DB chest press: 1 x 5 @ 70, 1 x 3 @ 80, 1 x 4 @ 90; Face pulls 3 x 12 @ 60 ; Smith machine inverted rows 3 x 15 supersetted w/Rip Trainer overhead chops 3 x 8 ea.; 1 arm MB pushups 3 x 6 ea. supersetted w/rollouts 3 x 10
Comments: Hit good number on the "max" out set on the DB incline chest press. This 5-3-1 program works very well for me as it has for some of my clients.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Today's Training Session: Sprints
In case you haven't already guessed I love sprints. If my body could recover from them I would do them daily but for now anyway 2-3 times weekly will suffice. There is nothing like running all out....we loved it as kids and we should work towards doing it even as adults IMO.
Warmup: Lateral squat, march series, arm circles, toe/heel walks, high knees, butt kickers
Workout: 8 x 60 meter sprints on turf; walk back for recovery.
Comments: Good session; ankle and knees felt pretty good but the key is always in the recovery. Crisp but nice morning. Had to bundle up a bit and wear a hat and gloves but still great to be out sprinting!
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all our links.
Warmup: Lateral squat, march series, arm circles, toe/heel walks, high knees, butt kickers
Workout: 8 x 60 meter sprints on turf; walk back for recovery.
Comments: Good session; ankle and knees felt pretty good but the key is always in the recovery. Crisp but nice morning. Had to bundle up a bit and wear a hat and gloves but still great to be out sprinting!
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all our links.
Yesterday's Training Session: Lower Body Training
Notice when I say lower/upper body training I almost invariably include some of the other "half" of the body in my training if only through total body movements like swings. I very seldom do true split training.
Warmup: Ankle mobs, Wall scap retractions, tabletop hamstrings, tabletop hip rotators, Swissball hip flexor, Swissball adductors, Indian clubs
Workouts: RFESS: 1 x 5 @ 45, 95, 1 x 3 @ 115, 1 x 4 @ 130; KB swings 4 x 12 @ 32 kg. supersetted with "fat grip" chins 3 x 15; KB Farmers carries
Comments: Simple but complete training session with some lower body work, total body movement, trunk work and upper body work. Good training session esp. after recovering from yesterday's first baseball games of the season.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Warmup: Ankle mobs, Wall scap retractions, tabletop hamstrings, tabletop hip rotators, Swissball hip flexor, Swissball adductors, Indian clubs
Workouts: RFESS: 1 x 5 @ 45, 95, 1 x 3 @ 115, 1 x 4 @ 130; KB swings 4 x 12 @ 32 kg. supersetted with "fat grip" chins 3 x 15; KB Farmers carries
Comments: Simple but complete training session with some lower body work, total body movement, trunk work and upper body work. Good training session esp. after recovering from yesterday's first baseball games of the season.
Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Opening Day: One of the Reasons to Train
Today was the opening day of my baseball team's season and, as usual, we play a doubleheader on Sundays.
Against one of the better teams in the league we won both games, 5-3 and 13-3, to start the season. It bodes well for the season as we got "younger" which is always relative when you're playing in a 48+ baseball league! :)
But today is one of the reasons I train so hard all winter as it prepares me physically for the demands of baseball.
Some people may pooh-pooh the idea of needing training to play baseball as they view it as very unathletic with not much action.
Those would be people that are very ignorant and don't know what they're talking about and confuse running around with athleticism.
The fact of the matter is that baseball requires a lot of explosive power, quickness and agility which is further complicated by the fact that the action in baseball tends to come in sporadic spurts. It is not more continuous in nature like soccer or lacrosse but that doesn't diminish the athletic demands of baseball.
In fact, my training prepares me for both squash and baseball which to many people may appear to be at opposite ends of the athletic spectrum. But, in reality, the greatest difference between the two sports is more in their metabolic, or conditioning, demands then in the other aspects of athleticism. In fact, as an outfielder there is much more high level sprinting in baseball than in squash. I know first hand as I had to chase down several well hit balls today! :)
So the point is that my "off-season" training prepares me for my baseball season to perform at my best as well as reduce my chance of injury.
Train hard and train smart!
htt:// for our website and all of our links
Against one of the better teams in the league we won both games, 5-3 and 13-3, to start the season. It bodes well for the season as we got "younger" which is always relative when you're playing in a 48+ baseball league! :)
But today is one of the reasons I train so hard all winter as it prepares me physically for the demands of baseball.
Some people may pooh-pooh the idea of needing training to play baseball as they view it as very unathletic with not much action.
Those would be people that are very ignorant and don't know what they're talking about and confuse running around with athleticism.
The fact of the matter is that baseball requires a lot of explosive power, quickness and agility which is further complicated by the fact that the action in baseball tends to come in sporadic spurts. It is not more continuous in nature like soccer or lacrosse but that doesn't diminish the athletic demands of baseball.
In fact, my training prepares me for both squash and baseball which to many people may appear to be at opposite ends of the athletic spectrum. But, in reality, the greatest difference between the two sports is more in their metabolic, or conditioning, demands then in the other aspects of athleticism. In fact, as an outfielder there is much more high level sprinting in baseball than in squash. I know first hand as I had to chase down several well hit balls today! :)
So the point is that my "off-season" training prepares me for my baseball season to perform at my best as well as reduce my chance of injury.
Train hard and train smart!
htt:// for our website and all of our links
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