Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Movement is the Key-Part 2

To continue with the thoughts from the last post, there is a concept called the Performance Pyramid that is relevant to this discussion.
The Performance Pyramid is a 3 tiered pyramid with the foundation and base level being functional movement with functional performance on top of that and functional skills/specific skills at the top of the pyramid.
But functional movement is the broadest/largest of the 3 levels and each successive tier is progressively smaller.
The reason for that is that functional movement is the foundation off of which all other athletic traits are built. If you don't move well and proficiently through fairly large ranges of motion the other aspects of your athletic development will never be truly optimized and you will be more likely to get hurt.
The problem most people have, including those of us old enough to know better, is that the emphasis is frequently on the skills and performance aspect of things without having the underlying functional movement base. In other words, the pyramid is usually upside down or inverted.
Many people delude themselves into thinking they move well when the facts and observation would indicate otherwise. Don't confuse quantity with quality of movement. Just because you can "run" 5 miles doesn't mean that was good, quality movement nor necessarily improving your athleticism or movement proficiency.
So in your own training dedicate some time to improving your functional movement and you may want to seek someone out that does the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) to truly get a baseline on your movement proficiency.

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