Monday, April 22, 2013


  Been too long since my last post and for that I apologize but sometimes life gets in the way!
    The title of today's post relates to training in particular and life in general. As someone once said (and I am paraphrasing here), "90% of life is showing up."
   In other words, consistency and persistence go a long way in accomplishing life's goals and sometimes just muddling through the tough times as well.
  Obviously, this applies to training as well. The most poorly designed program done consistently and with some effort will out perform any "state of the art", world class program done with no effort and very sporadically.
  You have to persevere through the tough times to get towards accomplishing your goals whether it's weight loss, improved body composition, getting faster/quicker, improving your short game in golf or doing your first obstacle run.
   We all have "bad days" where nothing seems to go right, the harder you try the worse it gets and you just want to forget it. Just get through those days because trust me better times are ahead.
   But you can take certain steps to better ensure those "bad days" are less frequent:

  • Eat well: basically if it doesn't "come from the Earth or have a Mother" don't eat it. Honey Nut Cheerios aren't "heart healthy" no matter what General Foods says! :)
  • Sleep well: Adults generally need 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night. There are very few that are true "short sleepers". Good sleep impacts everything from hormones to mood so if you give it short shrift you will pay a price, believe me.
  • Train hard and train smart: the hard part is obvious but the smart part refers to realizing the value of recovery in terms of mobility work, handling stress well and soft tissue work amongst other things. 
 So as another old cliche says: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Hang in there and persevere!

Train hard and train smart! for our website and all of our links

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