Friday, July 15, 2011

S.A.I.D.--Vital for Masters Athletes

SAID is the acronym for Specific Adaptations for Imposed Demands and is a fundamental principle of training. You will play as you train, or more accurately, your performance will be limited or enhanced by how you train.
To illustrate the point, many athletes, young and old, have been misinformed as to the extent of "cardio" they need for their sport. So as result every summer you will see college athletes out jogging with their iPods on to relieve the boredom. But unless they are cross country runners are they really preparing themselves for their respective sports be it soccer, field hockey, football, or volleyball?
In any SAID needs analysis of a sport you have to analyze the movement patterns and nature of the game and most are power based, intermittent burst sports. In addition, these sports are played in 3 planes of movement and require multiple changes of direction So how does jogging prepare you for the conditioning and movement demands of those types of sports? The answer is that it doesn't.
The same can be said of many so-called sports specific strength programs which use machines, pay little attention to multi-directional movement, or to improving functional movement.
The SAID principle is of particular importance to the Masters athlete as they are of an age where they can't make up for poor training programs or lost time. They don't have the luxury of time that a younger athlete may have at their disposal.
So take some time and look at your respective sport, it's movement patterns and energy system demands and then ask yourself if your training program is addressing those issues.

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